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Monday, February 11, 2013

About Me

I've been married for 5 1/2 years to my high school sweetheart! The boy who I had a huge crush on for years :) ! We have 2 sweet little handsome boys! I love the Lord my God with all my heart. I have an amazingly sweet family! My Mom & Dad are amazing! I work part time as an RN and really enjoy my job. I use to be a clean freak but I believe God gave me 2 boys to break me of that :) and allow me to be more relaxed. I love reading, writing cards, shopping, swimming, organizing, watching movies and playing with my kiddos. 

God is so good!

         One of my biggest priorities in life is telling my kiddos about God and His love for them. I always want Austin & Troy to know that God is the most important person in the whole world. I want to provide a foundation built on Christ for these boys. We pray before meals, read daily devotionals and Bible stories at bedtime. And during the day I try to talk to them about God and pray for others. And we listen to KTIS (98.5--Love this station! Just a little shout out to ktis, It's an awesome station!!) Austin is especially fond of the Bible stories of David & Goliath, Samson and Zacchaeus. When he gets to choose which Bible story to read about he will usually turn to one of those stories. I am so proud of him. He will remind me "Mommy, the Bible story!!" or "Mommy, you forgot our devotionals!" 

         But this post isn't about me gloating. It is about God and his goodness! Some days I feel like...."Am I really doing ENOUGH during the day on what I do to teach my boys about Christ?" And I will get down on myself for not doing more. But last week, my sweet Austin brought tears to my eyes! His friend was over and talking about how his lego car was the fastest and best. And while I was in the kitchen cleaning up, I overheard Austin say "Ya know, it doesn't really matter. Because all that really matters is up there." And I looked at him and saw him point his sweet finger up high. Afterwards there was a pause. And I asked him "What is up there, Austin" and he said "God!" Oh boy! I thought that was such a  special moment. I finally felt like I've done enough and with God's help much more.