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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Top 3

Top 3

It's been awhile since I've done a Top 3 post. So here we go!

It is just a little random...

Okay a lot! ;)

#1.) I loved making homemade pizza with my loves at home. It was really yummy, too! Troy really got into the making of it. He is my big helper in the kitchen....all the way! If he sees me taking out mixing bowls or ingredients, he immediately pushes his chair over shouting "Help! Meeeee help?!" We bought the thin crust pizza crust this time and it turned out super good. Fridays should always be pizza night :)!

#2.) I really love this new scarf I got at Nordstrom's Rack. It is the perfect material that lays beautifully over so much. It was also under $10. That's a steal of a deal!

#3.) I'm super proud with this big boy! He wrestled at his very first wrestling meet and did great. He's really enjoying wrestling. Which I can see where he gets his skill...he's been play wrestling with Daddy since he was a toddler! The kid loves to wrestle and have fun! Love those boys!

Blessings to you and your fam!

:) Jamie

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Snow much fun!

What an extra special day yesterday was!

Like one of those days you want to bottle up and save forever and ever ~!

I love those days!

The boys and I performed a little science project yesterday and it was super cool.

I got the idea from Pinterest...of course!

We lined a cookie sheet with baking soda. 

Then I used dyes to color vinegar. 
We used medicine droppers to drop the vinegar onto the baking soda. 

And WALA...super coolness! 

Austin's eyes grew big as he saw the EXPLOSION of bubbles appear. 

Troy was in amazement! He especially liked spilling the whole cup of vinegar onto the baking soda. Typical. :)


Try it and let me know how much your kiddos enjoyed themselves :)

We also played outside for hours in the afternoon. 

And we created a really awesome snow fort with tunnels.

 It took me back to the times I use to do that as a child. 

A blast, I tell ya!

Austin has really been into the Wii since he got it for Christmas...

but there's nothing that beats playing outside in a snow fort.

Our winter had been so cold recently...

but not yesterday and we made the most of it!

I'm picking up A from school today 

so we can enjoy more outside time since it'll be another beautiful day.

Praise the Lord!

Can't wait!

Enjoy your day!

:) Jamie