The winner of "The Love Dare for Parents" is...
Congrats friend! I will send you a copy of the book asap. You're going to love it! xoxo!
Tonight we are having a "Bye Bye Blanket" party for my 5 year old!
He's excited and so am I ;).
Here are some photos when he was a little cute toddler with his blanket! Awww!!
It is so worn out now, which is why I want to put it away before the poor blanket is completely worn out.
Little A is fast asleep holding onto the monkey. That monkey corner is his very favorite. Always has been.
Visiting Great Uncle Lynn and lying in his bed with his blanket.
Picnic on his blanket!
I will definitely post more details about it next week. It is going to be one awesome party :).
Celebrate little things that are actually the BIG things in life!
Tomorrow morning we are going to relax together as a fam. Maybe go to the Library. We are going on a vacay next month. So, I'd like to get some books about airplanes for the kids. That way we can talk about them, see pictures of planes and read about them. The last time we were on an airplane Austin was 2 years old and I was 20 weeks pregnant (I think). Anyways, Austin had a little bit of a hard time at first. The pilot was super sweet and let him come in the front of the plane to check it out. Pretty cool! We went on a cruise and it was a blast! Absolutely beautiful!
I have a Women's Connect Rally at Church tomorrow evening. I am beyond excited! There will be desserts, prizes,worship, prayer and small sessions. The topic is "Who I am in Christ." My dear friend & Mom are also coming. Woot Woot! I will also share a little about that next week.
I hope you have some fun stuff planned for the weekend! I'd love to hear about it!!
Jamie :)