It feels like a Saturday to me today. I think it's because there is no school for the boys. Which is awesome! And it's also terrific that Halloween lands on a Friday!
And then tomorrow is daylight savings...1 extra hour of sleep. Hallelujah! It just keeps getting better :)
On Monday I have a very special post I've been working on for awhile. You may laugh and cry. I'm just saying :)
Today, I'm linking up with the beautiful...
1.) This week I got the chance to have lunch with my sweet oldest! And I am so grateful! It was a FAVORITE moment of my week forsure! He was super excited for me to come. I brought Subway Flatizzas for us. When I came to his classroom a little early, his girl classmates saw me. And they peeked their cute heads outside the room and asked who I was. Then they giggled when they found out I was Austin's Mom. :) And they yelled for Austin and told him I was there. So cute!
At Lunch we sat by my nephew (Austin's cousin and bestie) and some other friends. Austin was begging me to stay for recess and play soccer. His guy friends were so excited when they found out I was going to play soccer with them. It's nice to know that it's still cool to hang out with Mom at school! I hope he will always want me to have lunch with him and play soccer at recess :). His sweet friends kept getting the ball for me so I could make a goal! And they were so happy to get some attention and encouraging words from an adult telling the "Great job" or "You are such a rockstar soccer player!" They were absolutely adorable!
Great memories!!
2.) Flashback Friday FAVORITE to Halloween 2011. My Batman, Superman and Batbaby! I worked this evening but my awesome Hubby took the kiddos to my parents, his parents and some other family member's homes. He is the best :)!
3.) My Mom is one of my FAVORITE women in the world! I just love and adore her so much! She came over yesterday morning (early) to watch my kiddos when I needed to leave for work. She is constantly encouraging me and my sweet kids. And the best thing is that she is a beautiful woman of God! I pray that I can be like her when I get older. Her heart must be made of pure gold! :) God is so good in blessing me with her as my Mom.
What are some of your favorites of this past week? I'd love to hear!!
Happy Halloween to you!
Jamie :)