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Monday, April 27, 2015

I know this girl...

I know this sweet girl who defines what precious is. She has beautiful eyes that squint when she smiles. Her smile brightens the entire room that she enters. It reminds me of someone very special. Her teeth are adorable. She has a button nose that she likes to wrinkle up. She has such pretty hair that looks absolutely adorable in pig tails. And she has eyelashes for days.

She's brave and independent. She isn't scared to try new things like slides but does not like to be put too high in the air. She is careful when she walks. And always has been very careful not to fall. She is a cute runner. She can kick the ball outside like a little soccer player. Throwing the ball is also one of her favorite things to do. She giggles as she plays. A new favorite is wearing her helmet around the yard and going on bike rides.

Her giggles are so sweet and a very frequent occurrence. She especially laughs when she's on the swing and I say "I'm gonna get you!" and tickle her belly. She's very ticklish around her neck and feet. She's a chatterbox and will attempt to say just about any word. One of her favorite words is "Uh Oh!"and she sure loves to clap.

She is very tuned into details. Looking at pictures around the house is one of her very favorite things to do. And she will point and tell who is who. As well as take a picture down and carry it around kissing the faces and squealing. There are 2 boys who are absolutely smitten by her. She is always on their mind. From the moment they wake up. They would do anything for her and would be lost without her. Oh goodness, how she giggles with them and follows them around. And there is a wonderful & strong man who thinks the entire world of her.

She knows to pray before she eats and begins folding her hands when we say "Let's pray." She isn't very picky with her food except for tomatoes. She prefers ranch dressing for her carrots like some boys I know. And she loves "Wa Wa" (Water) so much along with "Cackers."

She loves to put lip balm on her lips...all by herself. She likes dresses and skirts and twirls in them. She loves her babies and blankies. Shoes are one of her love languages. Wearing shoes/boots around the house is a favorite activity with a stocking hat on. A little fashionista in the making. She's a girly girl for sure but also doesn't mind getting dirty outside.

She is an animal lover. Pup pups, fish, cats, cows, and deer. She squeals with absolute joy when she sees any kind of animal. And she will follow them around the house wherever they may be. Seeing the blow up cows around the local grocery store makes her giddy "Cow!" she says as she points excitedly.

Looking through books are one of her favorite things! Paging through them brings her joy as well as pointing at the pictures. At bedtime she already knows the routine; she cuddles with her blankies as she gets a couple of books read, songs sung and a prayer before going to bed. She loves to be held and cuddled. And gives some of the sweetest kisses of all time.

She loves so many. A pure little princess with a heart full of love is who she is. And how eternally grateful we are for her!

Love Forever