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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Joy in a Child's eyes

We've had some really beautiful weather. Last week we had the perfect opportunity to blow some bubbles in the yard. My kids were having a blast running after the ones I was blowing.  And they loved catching and stomping on them. 

Pure joy on their sweet faces!

To watch Troy's expressions when he would catch a bubble and to listen to his giggles & cheers was so refreshing. And then he said it was my turn and wanted to blow them for me to catch. At first I just tried to catch the ones within reach. But he shouted "Mom, get them!! Quick!!" He wanted me to run after those sparkling bubbles as he was. So I started having more fun with it and ran after them with giddy excitement on my face.  

And he was having just as much fun blowing them for me and watching me run after them as he was when it was his turn. I love that! In a child's eyes, those amazing, flying bubbles are so magical. They are one of the only up close things that fly. And children can make them fly all by themselves. Being able to do that is a beautiful feeling. 


The other day I was vacuuming and found lots of change under the seats, stuck in tiny crevices. I was in a hurry vacuuming while the kids were napping and at first was just vacuuming up the dirty pennies that were really hard to reach. And I thought I'd maybe get them out of the big shop vac canister when I was finished. Maybe.

And THEN I remembered what Austin and Troy do when they see a penny on the side of the road. They RUSH to it and pick it up and stuff it in their pocket.

And they excitedly shout "Look, Mom! I found money!!"

So excited about a penny. What would they do about those pennies under the seats? They would dig their little hands in there and try to be the first to get the coins. They would be grateful.

And at that thought I quickly picked up the penny I was eyeing to vacuum up and stuffed it in my back pocket. It may be just a penny but it still adds up. And I smiled thinking about my sweet kids.

Kids give us great perspective. Whether it be from watching our own child, a niece/nephew, cousin, friend's child or a child at the park.

Jamie :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Show and Tell Tuesdays: All about those names

I'm joining the linky party with Andrea @ Momfessionals and talking all about about names.

Starting off with my name.... JAMIE LEE

My Mom and Dad loved the name Jamie and just knew they wanted to name me that. And my middle name is after my Aunt Karen. She is my Mom's only sister and she is extremely special to me. Funny thing is growing up I went by "Jamie Lee." And I honestly thought it was my first name not knowing what my middle name was then. Until I came into middle school and started just going by Jamie just because it was shorter. I still would sign my name on some things as Jamie Lee. My Mom addresses me on cards and such as Jamie Lee and I love it! 

Our first born son, AUSTIN WILLIAM

I show this picture because Austin still believes we named him after the wrestler, Steve Austin. He checked this book out at the school library last year. We didn't name him after him and I have tried to correct Austin but he is certain ;). 

I absolutely loved the name Austin when we were discussing names after finding out I was pregnant.  The girl name we had in mind was Ava. My husband is William III (goes by Billy). And therefore, we were possibly going to name Austin --->William the 4th. However, I thought it would just be too confusing. So we definitely wanted his middle name to be William. And his name is so fitting to him. He just looks like a handsome Austin William. 

Onto our second son, TROY MARKUS

I was on the table after I had just found out we were having a boy from the ultrasound tech. And the sweet lady asked if we were set on a name, yet. We weren't. She said "You know what name I haven't heard for so long? Troy." And I agreed that was a nice name. After she left the room, my Husband said "I REALLY like that name." At first I wasn't so sure because I wanted it to be 2 syllables since our last name is 1 syllable. But it definitely grew on me and I thought it was perfect. His middle name, Markus, is after my Dad. His name is Mark, but again I was thinking about the syllables so added the "us." :) And he sure is a Troy!

I just love reminiscing about names! Such a fun and big decision :)
