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Friday, March 28, 2014

T-I-M-E with the kiddos

Kids mostly just want our time

That's really it.

"Be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time."
-Ephesians 5:15-16

I've been doing "The Love Dare for Parents" and there's a day devoted to time with your kids.

And I'll admit that, sometimes, I look at my phone too fast. Like when I hear that I have received a text message. But lately, I've been putting my phone on silent and putting it away. So, that I can't hear it or see it. Especially after Austin gets home after school. 

So, when Austin asked me to read his comic book to him the other day...I said "Yes" 

(Yes, I will read it even though it gives me bit of a headache because the print is so teeny tiny and I have no idea what kind of language they are talking in nor do I know how to read some of the words.)

I didn't say that additional stuff to him, of course, just the yes.

Welcome to the land of "Ninjago." 

You're welcome ;).

And he loved that I read it to him! Time spent cuddling together and reading. Because, to be honest, he asks me a lot for me to read his comic books. And I'd usually say "No", "Not now", "later." I was glad to make him happy which made me happy.

And here was a day that I was pre-occupied with cleaning up at home in preparation for company when my sweet 3 year old wanted me to stop and play "Magformers" with him.

We had such a fun time! First he wanted the "map"=directions. 

Then he looked so serious while he was "reading" them. He wanted to build a tower like his big bro had the days before.

"Mom, I want to make that!"

He was all "WOW" and amazed that he did that!

Great job, Troy boy! :)

But I also want to spend my time wisely by teaching him about God's love for him. 

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and will all your strength. 
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on our children. 
Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
-Deuteronomy 6:5-7

I love those verses! We can talk about God any time of the day. We don't need to set the perfect tone and time for it. Anytime is a good time. When we're in the car I'll talk about God and his goodness. Or when we see an ambulance I'll tell the kids that we should pray for whomever is hurt. When we are sick I will pray out loud that the Lord would heal us and I will not forget to give thanks to Him when we are healthy, too. While we are lying in bed I will tell the kids that we are so blessed to have a warm home, comfortable bed and food to eat.

Have a super awesome weekend! It's going to warm up here in MN! Woot Woot! :)

Jamie :)