This Friday is extra special because I get to spend it with my sweet family on a little get away!
While I write this they're all sleeping and I'm up thinking about all the fun we are going to have...or rather brainstorming how we will fit everything we want to do in ;) Lots to do and little time!
I'm linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals for...

During this vacay I plan on reading this amazing book below. "One thousand gifts" By: Ann Voskamp. My sister got me this life changing book for my birthday and I can't even tell you the many times I saw it at the store and was going to buy it. And boy am I happy she got it for me because it is a Life.Changer. For real! I am loving it... Favorite!
I'm linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals for...
During this vacay I plan on reading this amazing book below. "One thousand gifts" By: Ann Voskamp. My sister got me this life changing book for my birthday and I can't even tell you the many times I saw it at the store and was going to buy it. And boy am I happy she got it for me because it is a Life.Changer. For real! I am loving it... Favorite!
Mystery tackle box and Lucky tackle boxes. These are my favorite new monthly subscriptions for my boys. The assortment and quality of the goodies is fantastic. Austin is absolutely thrilled when he sees it has arrived. #likefatherlikeson
Nordstrom's customer service is a favorite! I had recently ordered a cute striped tee but after wearing it once noticed a small hole. I called and with few questions they're asking me to return it for a full refund! Awesome!! Although I really did like the shirt :) and wished the quality was better.
Young living lemon drops in my water! Fave all the way! It tastes great and gives me some extra energy. I want to try the lime and orange, too! I even brought the lemon with so I could put it in my water on vacay!
Bike rides with my kids! We take almost a daily bike ride and how fun it is to enjoy God's beauty outside and in my kiddo's faces! Especially when Troy wanted to stop for a "giant blow flower!" And he carried that weed all the way home so he could blow it! Love that kid and his joy for life!!
Have a very happy weekend celebrating The 4th of July!
Jamie :)