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Friday, November 21, 2014

Some Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday to you!

Today, I'm linking up with these ladies...

For Friday Favorites!

I've got some random goodness for ya'll!
 And I hope you like it :)!

I love a good flashback on Friday. Don't you? 

Here are some fun photos of my young family in November 2011 at Thanksgiving.

 Grayson and Troy: Cousins 6 months apart. Wow, time flies! Just look at their cute cheeks!!

My big hunter Austin at Troy's age now!

November 2012

Our happy family walking into the woods. :)

And 2/3 of my sweet boys!

 Troy had fun plowing all the snow we've got with Daddy! One of my favorite photos.

 I had a wonderful time with Austin on his field trip. I'm so very very proud of the big little man he is becoming. A favorite time with Austin.

I did not know it was "World Adoption Day" on November 9th. It hits close to home for me and my family. It is definitely dear to my heart!! :) And Jason Kennedy is giving a shout out for it. That's awesome! 

I don't know if it's just me but I feel like hunting season lasts forever. I pray (hard) that my hubby would get a big buck and be done. Because I just want to have him all to ourselves...not to those deer. I was at our local grocery store and saw this sign "Deer hunting season is here: Remember your "dear"
with flowers" I took a photo of it and sent it to my hubby ::wink::wink::hubby:: but no flowers....yet. 

This Pumpkin Spice tea is absolutely delicious!! I don't normally drink a lot of tea but when I saw it was "pumpkin spice" I couldn't throw it into my cart fast enough. I got it from the 'natural foods section' at our grocery store. 

Have you heard of the "Happy Mommy Box?" It's fabulous! It's a monthly box subscription with awesome items for Mommies. I have really enjoyed getting my monthly box. And I've also loved sharing it with friends. I've given many items as gifts to others for Birthdays and "just because." Check it out HERE.

Psalm 23.
 One of my favorite + most comforting chapters in the Bible. Especially for my family this past week. I love the last part "...and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." What a beautiful verse to always remember. 

Have a great day!

Jamie :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

It's a Battle Field...

So yesterday we were getting ready to have an awesome play date with a friend and her kiddos. I didn't want to be late. Troy would not get his shirt on. He fussed and ran away from me. I tried the "We're not going to play with our friends, then. We'll stay home if you can't get your shirt on."
Still wouldn't. So I just put it on against his will. Then he was really not happy. He didn't like the plain old shirt I picked out. 
So I gave up. I said "fine, then just go put on any shirt you want." 
He went into his room while I was continuing to get ready. He was in there several minutes. And he comes out smiling and said "Jesus Saves, Bro!" while wearing that shirt.
Seriously? That just melted my entire heart! Out of all the shirts he could've chose he picked out that one. 
The cutest + sweetest one with the best meaning. 
I was so frustrated and finally just let that 3.5 year old pick out his own shirt and he was happy. 

Because you and I both know if a kid doesn't want to do something...they aren't going to do it! :)

That's where some major battles need to be chosen. I will fight until the end for my child to sit in their car seat buckled in and to wear appropriately warm clothing for the freezing winter weather. But sometimes, if they want to wear a different shirt or pants that don't match. Does it really matter that much? Nope. 

Choose the battles...you'll be happy you did! :)

Jamie :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Snow has arrived

We now have snow! As of November 10th. 

It's like winter came overnight. 

These kids sure are happy to have snow again. When they woke up to it, they were almost in disbelief. Troy was saying "LOOK! Snow, Mommy!" The yard was so pretty with a crisp white blanket of snow. So fresh and beautiful! However, it was dangerous for driving in. My prayers went out to all those who had to drive in it.
 Last week there was a snow day on Monday and a 2 hour late start on Tuesday. The boys had a blast playing outside together. I went out one day with Austin and we started building a little snow cave. Austin loves that! He had a blast playing in the one we made last year. 

The weather is cold but I will say I am ready for it. WE are ready for it. Especially those 2 cuties down there. 

I mean...just look at those adorable 'lil faces :)! Troy's looks a bit cold but don't let that fool you...he loved being in the snow. In fact, he was helping Daddy shovel the snow in the driveway and he helped plow the driveway on the 4-wheeler with Dad. 

A little snow wrestling :)!

True Minnesotans! 

Jamie :)

48 Hour Challenge: Mission Complete

Friday evening I went back onto Social media (for me that being Facebook and Instagram). I missed catching up with my friends for sure. But what a nice little break to rely on God more and my family. I prayed throughout the day for God to use me. I highly recommend this break. I will definitely be doing it again.

Here are some things I thought about when the fast was complete...

1.) I've realized that I can still fill my time with other things like TV watching, online shopping or house hunting online. And everyone knows there is always some sort of cleaning or organizing to do with little kiddos. Social media is just ONE of the hundreds of distractions. There are so many decisions throughout the day on what to do..watch an episode of House Hunters or read a good book. I'm trying to be more wise with my time.

2.) I did this at least 4 times--I swiped my phone on and swiped over to where my 'Instagram' app was on my phone. Low and behold it wasn't there because I deleted it. This I should remember but subconsciously musta forgot. I do not have the 'Facebook' app because my phone doesn't have enough memory. Which is probably a good thing. 

3.) When I was in High School in order for me to get my own phone I had to spend $500 of my own  money. Hard earned money working as a Nursing Assistant at the Nursing Home as a down payment for a "Nextel." At the time I was frustrated at spending my own money. However, I think it was a FANTASTIC lesson my Mom and Dad taught me. And the "Nextel" phone I had was like a walkie talkie. At any moment of the day (even at midnight), someone (even a random person) could push the button and yell anything in there and it would go to your phone on speakerphone. Unless, the phone was on silence, I think? Craaazy! And then when there was a color option for the screen it was really exciting! :) Oh, those were the days. Apps would never fit on those tiny screens. 

4.) I've wanted to go on Facebook to find out someone's phone number. But, I knew it can wait until after the fast is complete. I do love how Social Media can connect people. It is also an awesome way to encourage someone and be in prayer for someone.

5.) I learned that I can do it! I actually took almost a 3 day break from it. It's not that difficult to take a break from it and I will be doing it more often.

And I love this verse!!

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
-1 Corinthians 10:31

Jamie :)