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Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Favorites!

It's Friday again!  

I'm linking up again with these fun ladies...
for Friday Favorites.

Here we go 2 of my favorites episodes/movies I've watched this week...


I've been inspired, you all! :) In a great way!

I watched an episode of Tiny House Nation last night HERE.
Please watch their episode. I think you will be inspired as well!

Touring the Perfect Prairie Cottage

Ryan and Kim Kasl downsized their home big time for an amazing opportunity. 

The love this family has for each other is so evident. And they seriously are one of the sweetest families I know. I thought it was so inspiring because I think about the wonderful closeness a family is able to encounter by being in a 207 square foot home together.
 I am so excited for them.

Check out Kim's blog HERE.

 I was thinking about it last night while I was upstairs watching the episode on my computer as well as cleaning up the dining area. My kids were in different areas of the house. The future was brought to my mind... about one day when I will miss the times we are at home *close* together. My kids mean so much to me and I want to be the very best Mom possible. I want to be 100% present, too.

I also got to thinking about all the "stuff" we have. Bins of toys that are not played with and so many books. Last night Troy helped me get a bag of toys and books to donate. We need to clean up more as well. But you know the moment you start taking a toy no one has played with for months is the moment the child wants to play with it. Happen to you? :)

Tonight we are having a fun family night! I can't wait!


This week we rented & watched "Heaven is for Real." And I loved it! You can buy it HERE.

Tears were welling up in my eyes for most of the movie. All of the amazing talk about Heaven just made me have tears of joy. Heaven will be such a beautiful and wonderful place one day. I loved how vibrant the colors in Heaven were when Colton was there. 

It was a very well made movie. I enjoyed all of Austin's great questions during the movie, too. 

Check it out!

See ya!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Date night with my oldest son

School started for Austin last week. So this past Saturday I took full advantage of a free evening to spend with him. This past Monday my sweet Austin was sick at school with a fever. He stayed home yesterday and today and will be home tomorrow, too. Which makes me even more grateful that I got the chance to spend time with him last Saturday
I told him I was going to take him on a "Date night with Mom." 

He didn't like that title so he called it a "Fun night with Mom." 

Whatev, I'll still call it the Date night :)! Sweetness with my big boy.

I was brainstorming all sorts of things we could do...
-Go to the Ninja Turtle movie
-Go out to eat at Applebee's
-Get ice cream
-Go fishing

Then I thought that if it's a date night with A--I should let HIM decide what we are going to do. Am I right?

So he didn't want to go to the movie but wanted to go to DQ and get a chicken strip basket with their special toast. He is his Father's child...they both love that meal.

Unfortunately, the DQ in the town we were going to was not one that had the chicken strip basket. A was bummed but agreed to Culver's since they had some of the same things.

On our way there it was so nice just A and I in the car. I can't even remember the last time it was just us without the littles.  I mentioned to him that before Troy was born it was just us 3 (Austin, Daddy and I). all the time. We talked about when he was born and how excited we were to have a baby boy.

Topic of conversation during our supper....fishing, football, farts, school, pop and a secret. Haha!
 He talked nonstop and I LOVED it! It was so sweet just him and I. He's grown into such a handsome young man. 

We got some Concrete Mixers. Yummy! He got Reese's PB cup and I got a Pumpkin cheesecake one. So SO good!

He was opening up the door for some people because I try to teach him about being a gentleman. He asked if Daddy opens the doors for me. Ummm....sometimes :). 

We stopped at Gamestop to look at the Cabela's hunting games for the Wii. Winter is acoming and that's the time he likes to play the Wii. He has barely touched it since last Spring. We scored a game for $3.99. Niiice!

Before coming to Nanny's to pick up the little ones, we went fishing for a bit. No catches but I got some grand pointers from A. He really does know what he's doing. He can cast like a pro...no lie! :)

It brought us closer. I love him. I realized we need to do this way more often.

Jamie :)