Have you ever said these things to yourself...
I will be so happy when _____
When ____ I will be so happy
Source HERE
I know I have many many times. Too many times.
Almost 4 years ago I got a new job as a part-time RN at a hospital and Billy got a new job after being out of work for a couple months. Austin was almost 3 years old and Troy was about 8 weeks old. I told myself "I'm going to be so happy when I buy a really nice new car." I wanted more room for my little ones and I was still driving my little '96 Saturn from High School. So car shopping we went on a Saturday... in the rain! We should have postponed our shopping day and taken the rain as a sign. Anyways, we went to 3 different car dealerships looking and looking. We finally decided on an almost new SUV that was a lot of money. We signed the paperwork and drove off in our new car.
Over the course of the weekend I felt so sick and unsettled about purchasing that vehicle. And I realized that having a new car was not making me any more happy nor did I love everything about it. The Monday after purchasing it I prayed and prayed about it. And on Tuesday I called the dealership and told them I wanted to return it and didn't like it as much as I thought. I'll save the long story and just tell you that I was able to return it. And we purchased a used & much less expensive SUV repairable that my Dad helped us find.
#TRUTH: I was just as happy in that car. The newer car didn't make me any more happy. Actually, was just as happy in my old car from High School.
#TRUTH: I was just as happy in that car. The newer car didn't make me any more happy. Actually, was just as happy in my old car from High School.
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."
-Philippians 4:11
I'm going to take you back to a couple of years ago. I would tell my hubby several times: "I'm going to be so happy when you finish our basement! We need more space." We live in a split level and I wanted our basement done so bad for when our second son was born. Well, that basement took a long time. And it finally got mostly finished in March of 2013. Troy was turning 2 years old. Billy did the majority of the work himself. Bless his sweet self. My hubby is such a hard worker. Did that finished basement make me so much more happier? For a period of time I was happier. But that wore off and I was onto the next thing. "I'm going to be so happy when we sell this house and get a bigger house."
#TRUTH: A bigger house is not going to make me any more happy. Actually, the finished basement didn't make me any more happy. I could've learned to make the upstairs work and been thankful.
#TRUTH: A bigger house is not going to make me any more happy. Actually, the finished basement didn't make me any more happy. I could've learned to make the upstairs work and been thankful.
"Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions."
-Luke 12:15
I believe God wants us to be happy right where we are right this minute. And the truth is that there is nothing in this world that is going to make us any happier. I have come to the point in my life (finally) to know that there is nothing that I can buy for myself that will make me any more happier. And I have learned to praise God right as everything is at this very minute.
My happiness comes from the Lord. My joy comes from the Lord.
God is the only one and the only way.
"Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. "
-John 14:6
Jamie :)