I have a mom confession for you (gulp). Here it goes. This past summer I took my oldest son's Samsung tablet from him because his time had elapsed for using it. And as I turned the corner from his room....I dropped it! I practically shrieked as I bent down to pick it up. Because I just knew. I knew that it was broken. And I would have to confess to my sweet son what I had done. I looked at the front of his tablet and it was certain the screen was broke. However, it was still in working order. How can that be. I could still swipe it and tap on the different apps. How had it been that he's had it for close to 15 months and never once dropped it? I'm constantly telling him to be careful and low and behold I hold it for 15 seconds and drop in on the floor causing it to break. Ughh!

So what did I do? After practically crying at my error at being careful with it. I thought hard about it and realized that cell phone screens can get fixed at repair shops. So, could this tablet be fixed? Without him knowing? Possibly? I was hopeful in this. I did some research and found a repair shop close to my work to drop it off at. As I walked into that shop I could have practically hugged the kind person helping me check out. This is because it would be fixed and all would be good :). But, it definitely came at a price. A price that I didn't want to pay but was not willing to have my son saddened at the thought of me dropping it causing all his games to be lost. Oh, I know it's just a tablet but the buildings he has created on Minecraft were cool and important to him. As well as the fact that he used his own birthday money to pay for said tablet. It's a reward for him to watch football games on it and have some downtime.
When the day came for me to pick it up it looked just like it had before I dropped it. Actually, even better than before. The screen was not scratched and sparkling with clarity. I was so thankful! And after I had received it back I researched for an otterbox to help protect it from happening again :). Because honestly, I do not think I will pay that price again to have it repaired again.
This entire situation made me think of God's love for us. (Hang on :) ).
I love when God can use an example in my life and tie in a Biblical perspective.
Imagine us broken as the tablet was. Face down on the ground. Still in working order but clearly broken. As the tablet was fixed and made brand new at a price, Christ has paid the price for our sins and made us new again. Just as we are. I can hide that the broken tablet was fixed all I want. And to my son, he will not know (unless someone tells him ;) ). But God sees us as we are even if we try to "fix" ourselves outwardly. He cares for us and what we're going through. He understands us and loves us far more than we can fathom. From broken to made brand NEW we are in Christ. The old brokenness is gone and the new has come. Praise God!
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" -2 Corinthians 5:17
Matthew 18:21 comes to mind as well. When Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive those who sin against him "7 times?" Jesus replied "seventy-seven times." That is a lot of times, Wow! I would not be willing to pay the price to fix that tablet that many times. But Christ paid the ultimate price by dying on the cross for us. And how very thankful I am that we serve a God who constantly loves us and cares for us.
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9
Blessings to you, Jamie