Happy Monday to you!
I hope you had a lovely weekend.
We went to "The Lego Movie" on Saturday. It was super cute! My Dad came, too!
And after we got pizza. It was a memorable time.
Sunday we went to Church and relaxed at home after.
I made a fort for the boys and they, of course, loved it!
Those are the best kind of days.
I have this chalkboard that I love to write Bible verses on or different quotes.
Currently it says,
And my sweet Austin read most of the words. he said "You are my Son." Very close!
What a cutie!
Spring is coming...
According to Almanac.com, the first day of Spring is March 20th. That makes my heart happy!
We just need to make it through March and then you know how the saying goes "April showers bring May flowers" So rain is coming. And who doesn't love a pretty rain storm. I know that I do. I love hearing the rain on the roof and being snuggled with the family :).
This year, I will be the :YES: Mom and let my boys play in the rain.
Because they'll love it!!
Here's them last year...
This Spring is going to be awesome!
"Always be full of joy in the Lord; I say it again, rejoice!"
-Philippians 4:4
Jamie :)
i always comment and they never show up!! I think my last one said something like KEEP BEING A YES MOM! Love you!