My sweet Austin William!
I'm still in shock that my first baby just turned 6 years old!
(Which is maybe why it has taken me so long to write this)
I'm still in shock that my first baby just turned 6 years old!
(Which is maybe why it has taken me so long to write this)
It feels like he is still just four precious years old going to preschool. But he'll be going into first grade this fall. I'm getting ahead of myself :) We have the WHOLE summer to have fun and enjoy time off from school. It'll be super fun! :)

Austin was a big hunk as a baby! So sweet and such a cuddler. I was in the nursing program his first year of life. I remember sitting in the recliner with my nursing books next to him while I was nursing him ;). I would set up everything I would need for the night (phone, remote, nursing pads and cream, diapers, wipes, diaper cream, books, magazines, etc) next to me on a tv stand. LOL! And my hubby would ask me if I was coming to bed and I would kindly say "No, I'm going to sleep in the recliner with Austin. It's more comfortable." And Austin would sleep on my chest as a newborn. And I LOVED it! And I know he did, too. I did not do that with the other kiddos. I just wanted to spend every minute with that little cuddle bug as a new-learning Mommy. During the day if I'd nurse him, I would study with my books on the boppy pillow.
I think he went straight from crawling to running.
I prayed for that wild toddler often. That he would grow into a respectful child who would listen well. And he has!
He loves Jesus! And that is the most important thing of all time. If I can teach him anything of importance it would be about Jesus and His never ending love for him. From a young toddler he He has liked to collect various kid's Bibles and read them. David and Goliath is one of his favorite Bible stories.
And he's always enjoyed baking with Mommy! Especially when he can be a taste tester :).
This photo is pure cuteness! Him cooking in his birthday suit.
Legos are his favorite! If he makes something creative, he likes me to take a picture. He'd love to have his creation be in the Lego magazine :).
He loves me so much. He told me the other day that he thinks I'd be a great teacher. My heart melted. Then, he said he wished Daddy was a teacher,too. When Daddy comes home, he yells "Daddy!" And runs to the door. He really wants to be just like his Daddy. His Daddy is like his best friend.
His wrestling medal
He loves playing football.
Happy Sweet Sixth birthday Austin! We love you so much!
Love, Mommy :)
what a sweet boy, you raised him well! I remember him being that fierce toddler, and I envied your patience with him. You really do know how to handle the tough situations, and you deserve praise! xo